Ellis Island Echoes: The Emotional Legacy of Ancestral Diversity
Why are some cultures more emotionally expressive than others? One explanation could be that overt emotion helped people overcome diverse linguistic and cultural barriers.
Why are some cultures more emotionally expressive than others? One explanation could be that overt emotion helped people overcome diverse linguistic and cultural barriers.
To capture human emotion in all its richness, we have to broaden where and how we study it.
Awe, as in the chill-up-the-spine you might find in a poem, symphony, mountaintop, spiritual experience, or selfless act. In clever and imaginative ways, Keltner has researched what awe is and how it moves us.
What I learned about emotions when I traded Amsterdam for Ann Arbor.
In his new book, Paul Bloom pushes us to reflect on the complexity of our emotional reactions. Why do we cry on our worst days and our best?
How can we generate long-term behavior change when compliance isn’t exciting anymore? (Hint: don’t build “Piano Stairs.”)
Should we expect people around the world to conceptualize emotions, like “love” or “hate,” the same way, simply because we can point to a translation in a dictionary?