Behavioral Scientist’s Notable Books of 2024
Our list of noteworthy behavioral science books published in 2024.
Our list of noteworthy behavioral science books published in 2024.
What is the role of scientists in a changing world—should they be impartial investigators, active advocates, something in between?
Peter Coleman illuminates how we can break the cycle of mutual contempt and why the political divides that seem so intractable do not have to be.
Why have some groups fighting for acceptance been successful while others have not? It’s about who you know and how many know you.
New research suggests that political leaders don’t always have to cede political ground when trying to reduce animosity between the parties.
The principles used to help reconcile estranged family members can also be used to help our country come together.
In his latest book, “Think Again”, Adam Grant investigates why we struggle to update our ideas and opinions and how we can get better at it.
What do we know about vaccine uptake, how political identity and polarization have impacted public health, and what we can expect in 2021? A recap from our event with behavioral scientists Katy Milkman and Jay Van Bavel.
The Research Lead is a monthly digest connecting you to noteworthy academic and applied research from around the behavioral sciences. Here are our picks for December 2020 and January 2021.
Join us for a conversation about the science of behavior change—from public health tools to slow the pandemic to keeping New Year’s resolutions.