If you need advice on how to pick the next NFL legend, help avoiding the siren song of a 40 percent off “sale,” or a gentle reminder that you don’t know nearly as much as you think you do, look no further than our five most popular articles of 2018 (so far). There’s all that and more. Find a place to curl up and catch up on the articles Behavioral Scientist readers like you have enjoyed and shared the most.
#1: We Forget That Everything Is Relative
By Dan Ariely and Jeff Kreisler
As H. L. Mencken once said, “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
#2: The Benefits of Admitting When You Don’t Know
By Tenelle Porter
We might all be a bit better off by learning to say “I disagree with myself” every now and then.
#3: How to Identify Talent: Five Lessons from the NFL Draft
By Cade Massey
If there is one consistent yet underappreciated principle for making good hires, it’s that process beats technology.
#4: “Bursty” Communication Can Help Remote Teams Thrive
By Christoph Riedl and Anita Williams Woolley
Can remote teams achieve the productivity of the office and still allow the convenience of working from home?
#5: There Is More to Behavioral Economics Than Biases and Fallacies
By Koen Smets
Is a preoccupation with biases hindering behavioral economics?
Bonus: What to Do When Algorithms Rule
By Jason Collins
Is our reluctance to have our decisions and actions replaced by automated systems warranted?