The Human Instinct: A Conversation with Ken Miller
Too many people think evolution demeans our species. But maybe evolutionary theory indicates the opposite: our special place among life on Earth.
DJ Neri is a researcher at Facebook and an editor at the Behavioral Scientist. He was formerly a Senior Associate at ideas42. DJ received a B.A. in economics from Gettysburg College and an MSc in economics with a specialization in behavioral economics and game theory from the University of Amsterdam.
Too many people think evolution demeans our species. But maybe evolutionary theory indicates the opposite: our special place among life on Earth.
What do we know now and how can we learn more about how social media impacts our relationships and day-to-day lives?
Richard Thaler, an economist at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, is this year’s recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics.
What does it take to make it in the NFL? We sat down with Angela Duckworth to understand more about grit and what she learned from working with Pete Carroll and the Seattle Seahawks.
We reflect on Congdon’s time with the Social and Behavioral Sciences Team and ask, “What does the future hold for behavioral science in government?”
We’ve all witnessed it: it’s the end of the semester and the professor’s office is overflowing with nervous students. They’re asking for extra credit, extra assignments, or just a little extra sympathy.