Making Play a Habit
Pediatricians stress the importance of spontaneous play for children. Behavioral scientists understand the power of routine and predictability for busy parents. Where’s the middle ground?
Lisa Gennetian is a research professor, Institute for Human Development and Social Change, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development, New York University. She focuses a lot of her work on understanding what shapes parent economic behavior and how to reduce child poverty. In 2015 she launched the beELL initiative; applying insights from behavioral economics to support parent engagement in, and enhance the impacts of, early childhood interventions. She holds a Ph.D. in economics from Cornell University.
Pediatricians stress the importance of spontaneous play for children. Behavioral scientists understand the power of routine and predictability for busy parents. Where’s the middle ground?
A new study explores whether using behavioral principles to distribute a basic income can more effectively combat child poverty.